Vegetation Program Background

The Road Maintenance Division implements an Integrated Vegetation Management Program on Lane County right-of-ways based on guidance received from the community via facilitated public input. Our work is driven by these recommendations and the related practices encoded into law.


The Lane County Vegetation Management Task Force met throughout 2015 to develop specific vegetation management options for Road Maintenance. This diverse committee considered many hard questions from worker safety to herbicide use to limited funding. Their consensus-based recommendations form the basis of Ordinance 16-07 and was encoded into law by the Board of County Commissioners when passed in July 2016.

Read the Roadside Integrated Vegetation Management Policy,
Lane Code Ch. 15.50-15.530

Vegetation Management Task Force Minutes

January 2015 Task Force Meeting - Minutes
February 2015 Task Force Meeting - Minutes 
March 2015 Task Force Meeting - Minutes
May 2015 Task Force Meeting - Minutes
July 2015 Task Force Meeting - Minutes 
September 2015 Task Force Meeting - Minutes
October 2015 Task Force Meeting - Minutes 
November 2015 Task Force Meeting - Minutes 

Vegetation Management Task Force Documents

Summary of Task Force Recommendations.docx
Vegetation Task Force Comparison Doc.docx
2018 Management Prescription Plan 

2024 Wildfire Season Evacuation Information -

Click here for information about active evacuations.