Strategic Planning

The Lane County Board of County Commissioners is scheduled for two work sessions on the 2025-2027 Lane County Strategic Plan.

February 26, 2025 (webcast) (slides) (board packet)

March 19, 2025 (webcast) (slides) (board packet)

Help Shape Lane County’s Future

Lane County is in the process of updating its three-year strategic plan, and we need your insights to make it a success. You, better than anyone, understand the County’s opportunities, potential challenges, and where we should be headed in the next three years.

The survey has closed, but more opportunities to participate will be posted here soon.

Thank you for helping Lane County continue to be the best place to live, work, and play.


Jeff Kincaid
Senior Operational Analyst
[email protected]

Ayude a Dar Forma al Futuro del Condado de Lane
El Condado de Lane está actualizando su plan estratégico para los próximos tres años, y necesitamos su participación para que sea un éxito. Usted, mejor que nadie, comprende las oportunidades del condado, los retos potenciales y hacia dónde debemos dirigirnos en los próximos años.

La encuesta ha cerrado, pero pronto se publicarán más oportunidades para participar en esta pagina. 

Gracias por ayudar al Condado de Lane a seguir siendo un lugar destacado para vivir, trabajar y disfrutar.

Our Vision

Lane County is the best county in which all can live, work, and play.

Our Mission

We responsively manage available resources to deliver vital, community-centered services with passion, drive and focus.

Our Values

Equity and Respect

Our Purpose

To Improve Lives

Core Behaviors

Passion to serve
Driven to connect
Focused on solutions

Strategic Lenses

Stewardship of Resources
Collective Impact

Strategic Priorities

Safe, Healthy County
Vibrant Communities
Robust Infrastructure
Our People and Organizational Health