Preparing for Animal Care in a Disaster

Preparing Your Own Family

An emergency can strike at any time—are you prepared to care for your animals?  Lane County Animal Services urges everyone to have a personal plan in place and practice the plan prior to a disaster. Practicing will ensure you can accomplish a successful evacuation and maintain the safety of your animals.  Here are some important things to consider in preparing for an emergency:

  • Make sure your animals have identification.  This includes a collar and license, a microchip, a tattoo, ear tags, brands, and/or clear identification on a cage or housing.
  • Transportation/Housing.  For small animals this includes collars, leashes, carriers/kennels, and a pre-arranged evacuation site outside your immediate area.  For larger animals it can be more challenging, but should include an evacuation plan including a trailer and a pre-determined site.  If you don’t have enough trailers to transport all of your animals quickly, contact neighbors, local haulers or others in advance. This will allow you to create a resource list to use in the emergency.
  • Compile proof of ownership and veterinary records.  Make photocopies of important documents such as vaccination records, your pet’s microchip and/or license numbers, and any special health issues.  Keep current photos of your animals in the evacuation kit, including photos of you and your pet together to help you reclaim your lost animal.
  • List of important emergency contacts.  Prepare this list now before a disaster strikes.  Include address and phone numbers, particularly any after hours numbers.
  • Two weeks of supplies.  In your kit include a two week supply of food, water, and any medications. Depending on your animal also include a litter box, toys, can opener, or muzzle. Other emergency items such as a first aid kit, flashlights, batteries, maps, and trash bags will come in handy.

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