

Start planning now for your retirement down the road. The County offers its employees several opportunities to save for the future, including a pension through the Public Employee Retirement System (PERS) and a voluntary Deferred Compensation Plan.

Retiree Health Insurance

County Paid Retirees

Eligibility for County paid retiree health insurance is based on three main criteria:
1) Date of hire
2) Years of service
3) Proof of retirement under PERS

Retirement Plans

Regular full-time County employees are eligible for PERS. Go to the PERS website for more information.

PERS offers several options to help you learn about the retirement plans, including Education Sessions and Instructions for Completing Retirement Applications

Deferred Compensation

Lane County’s 457(b) Deferred Compensation program is an additional Retirement Plan. While Lane County will make contributions to a separate 401(a) account in your name if allowed under union contract, Lane County does not manage the program. All arrangements, investment options and record keeping are managed by MissionSquare Retirement (formerly ICMA-RC).


You can choose to participate in Lane County’s 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan to assist in your long-term retirement planning. You can elect either pre-tax or after-tax (ROTH) contributions in an array of investment choices. You decide how much to defer — up to the specified IRS contribution limits — through payroll deduction.



Social Security

For many, Social Security will provide part of their retirement income. For more information, go to the Social Security Administration website.