Sexual Assault

Sexual assault is any sexual contact without consent.  Sexual assault of any type is never the victim's fault.  No one asks or deserves to be sexually assaulted.  Aggressors use sexual violence as a weapon to control, humiliate, dominate and abuse their victims.  Sexual assault is not about sexual desire, intimacy or passion.

Sexual assault can include "date" and acquaintance rape, marital rape, stranger rape, sexual abuse, and sexual harassment.

Anybody can be sexually assaulted, regardless of gender, age, race, appearance, sexual orientation, education level, socioeconomic status, marital status or religious beliefs. 

Lane County Sexual Assault Response Team (LCSART):

The Lane County Sexual Assault Response Team’s mission is to develop effective, consistent, collaborative, compassionate, comprehensive, and culturally relevant response to victims of sexual assault while extending a healing and supportive attitude and bring responsible persons to justice.

The purpose of the LCSART is to ensure victims receive a full range of comprehensive services, including immediate crisis intervention, forensic examination and any necessary interviews. This coordinated response leads to an improved bond between victims and advocates, while enabling law enforcement to collect evidence and otherwise prepare for the successful prosecution of the sexual offender. This multidisciplinary approach mitigates victim trauma and strengthens our victim-centered response through collaboration. Stronger victims mean stronger cases.

The LCSART consists of representatives from:

             Sexual Assault Support Services

             Lane County District Attorney

             Lane County District Attorney Victim Services Program

             Local Police Agencies

             Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE)

             Senior and Disabled Services

             Kids First Center

             Other as Appointed
For information regarding the LCSART, contact Lori Silano at [email protected] .

Hope & Safety Alliance
Sexual Assault Support Services
Oregon Sexual Assault Task Force 

For information regarding the Campus Sexual Assault Team, information is available at the University of Oregon website: