Supplemental Material from Board Meetings

2023 Supplemental Board Material

August 29, 2023 - County Administration Announcements:
Discussion: Implications of Oregon's Habitat Conservation Plan on County Forest trust Lands. Alex Cuyler presented.

2020 Supplemental Board Material

Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting Regular Meeting, item 3, Public Comment (3/10/2020) - (view handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting Regular Meeting, item 3, Public Comment (1/28/2020) - (view handouts)

2019 Supplemental Board Material

Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting Regular Meeting, item 3, Springfield Recognition (12/3/19) - (view handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting Regular Meeting, item 3, Public Comment (11/12/19) - (view handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting Regular Meeting, item 4, Public Comment (10/29/19) - (view handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting Regular Meeting, item 3, Public Comment (10/1/19) - (view handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting Regular Meeting, item 4, Public Comment (9/24/19) - (view handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting Regular Meeting, item 3, Public Comment (8/27/19) - (view handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting Regular Meeting, item 17, Evening Public Comment (8/20/19) - (view handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting Regular Meeting, item 3, Public Comment (7/30/19) - (view handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting Regular Meeting, item 16, Evening Public Comment (7/23/19) - (view handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting Regular Meeting, item 3, Public Comment (7/23/19) - (view handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting Regular Meeting, item 3, Public Comment (7/9/19) - (view handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting Regular Meeting, item 20, Evening Public Comment (6/18/19) - (view handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting Regular Meeting, item 4, Public Comment (6/18/19) - (view handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting Regular Meeting, item 2, Public Comment (6/11/19) - (view handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting Regular Meeting, item 2, Public Comment (5/21/19) - (view handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting Regular Meeting, item 8.A, Commissioners Announcements. (5/14/19) - (view handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting Regular Meeting, item 7.B, Third Quarter FY 18-19 Financial Report. (5/14/19) - (view handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting Regular Meeting, item 2, Public Comment (5/7/19) - (view handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting Regular Meeting, item 2, Public Comment (4/30/19) - (view handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting Regular Meeting, item 12, Public Comment, Afternoon (4/16/19 - Regular meeting) - (view handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting Regular Meeting, item 2, Public Comment (4/9/19 - Regular meeting) - (view handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting Regular Meeting, item 2, Public Comment (4/2/19 - evening meeting) - (view handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting Regular Meeting, item 2, Public Comment (4/2/19 - morning meeting) - (view handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting Regular Meeting, item 11.A, Commissioners Announcements (3/19/19) - (view handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting Regular Meeting, item 2, Public Comment (3/12/19) - (view handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting Regular Meeting, item 13.A, In the Matter of Approving the Design Concept for Sears Road Fixed Object Removal. (2/12/19) - (view handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting Regular Meeting, item 12, Public Comment (2/12/19) - (view handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting Regular Meeting, item 2, Public Comment (2/12/19) - (view handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, item 7.D, PSCC Quarterly Report to the Board of County Commissioners. (view handout)

Material from Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, item 9.B, Agenda Team Request (1/8/2019) - (view handout)

Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting Regular Meeting, item 2.B, Public Comment (1/15/19) - (view handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting Regular Meeting, item 3.A, Remonstrance (1/15/19) - (view handouts)

2018 Supplemental Board Material

Material from Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, item 2.A, Public Comment. (12/28/2018) - (view handout)

Material from Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, item 3.A, Public Comment. (9/25/2018) - (view handout)

Material from Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, item 10.C, Fatal Crash Investigation Team (FCIT) Report. (8/28/2018) - (view handout)

Material from Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, item 2.A, Public Comment. (8/21/2018) - (view handout)

Material from Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, item 2.A, Public Comment. (7/31/2018) - (view handout)

​​Material from Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, item 2.A, Public Comment. (7/10/2018) - (view handout)

​​Material from Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, item 13, Other Business. (5/1/2018) - (view handout)

Material from Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, item 2.A, Public Comment. (4/3/18) - (view handout)

Material from Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, item 2.A, Public Comment. (3/13/18) - (view handout)

Material from Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, item 2.A, Public Comment. (2/27/18) - (view handout)

Material from Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, item 2.A, Public Comment. (1/30/18) - (view handout)

Material from Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, item 2.A, Public Comment. (1/23/18) - (view handout)

Material from Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, item 3.A, Public Comment. (1/9/18) - (view handout

2017 Supplemental Board Material

Material from Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, item 3.A, Public Comment. (12/19/17) - (view handout

Material from Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, item 3.A, Public Comment. (12/19/17) - (view handout

Material from Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, item 2.A, Public Comment. (11/28/17) - (view handout

Material from Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, item 13.A, In the Matter of Providing Direction to Staff Whether to Proceed With Processing a Sale of a Tax Foreclosed Property Back to the Former Owner of Record, Map No. 19-01-08-00-03800, 38534 Dexter Rd. (11/28/17) - (view handout)  (view handout

Material from Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, item 2.A, Public Comment. (11/7/17) - (view handout

Material from Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, item 2.A, Public Comment. (10/17/17) - (view handout

Material from Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, item 2.A, Public Comment. (9/26/17) - (view handout)

Material from Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, item 10.C;
In the Matter of Hearing Arguments on the Record on an Appeal of a Hearings Official Affirmed Decision Denying a Forest Template Dwelling in the Impacted Forest Lands Zone (F-2); Assessor’s Map 16-02-27, Tax Lot 1506 (File No. 509-PA15-05770/Wolcott). (9/26/17) - (view handout)

Material from Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, item 3.A, Public Comment. (9/19/17) - (handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, item 2.A, Public Comment (8/22/17) - (handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, item 2.A, Public Comment (8/1/17) - (handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, item 2.A, Public Comment (7/11/17) - (handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, Item 11.A, In the Matter of Amending the Rural Comprehensive Plan to Add the Subject 63-Acre Property to the Goal 5 Inventory of Significant Mineral and Aggregate Sites, Amending the Rural Comprehensive Plan Diagram to Natural Resources: Mineral, and Rezoning the Subject Property to Sand and Gravel Rock Products (SG), in Accordance with OAR 660-023-0180, Lane Code 16.252, Lane Code 16.400, and Lane Code 12.050. (6/27/17) (view supplemental material)

Material from Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, Item 15.A, In the Matter of Documenting the County Administrator’s Annual Performance Evaluation (6/13/17) - (County Administrator Self Evaluation)

Material from Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, item 3, Remonstrance (6/6/17) - (handout from Commissioner Sorenson)

Material from Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, item 2.A, Public Comment (5/2/17) - (handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, item 2.A, Public Comment (4/25/17) - (handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, item 2.A, In the Matter of Appointing ___________ to Fill the Position No. 5, East Lane District, on the Lane County Board of Commissioners and Calling an Election to Fill the Vacancy (4/12/17). (view votes)

Material from Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, item 2.A, Public Comment (2/14/17) - (handouts)

Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting, item 2.A, Public Hearing (1/31/17) - (handouts)

2016 Supplemental Board Material

Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting, item 6.A, Update to County Website (11/29/16) - (handouts)
Full Transcript of October 12, 2016 Old Hazeldell Quarry Hearing (view transcript)
Material from Joint Public Meeting, (9/12/16) - (handout 1, handout 2)
Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting, item 2.A, Public Comments (8/30/16) - (handouts)
Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting, item 2.A, Public Comments (8/2/16) - (handouts)
Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting, item 2.A, Public Comments (7/26/16) - (handouts)
Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting, item 2.A, Public Comments (6/28/16) - (handout1, handout2)
Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting, item 3.A, Public Comments (6/21/2016) - (handouts)
Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting, item 2.A, Public Comments (3/29/16) - (handouts)
Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting, item 12.A, Public Hearing (3/15/16) - (copy of additional testimony)
Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting, item 4.A, Emergency Business (3/8/16) - (copies of letters)
Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting, item 3.A, Public Comments (1/5/2016) - (handouts)
Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting, item 7.B, Oregon Department of Forestry (1/12/2016) - (handouts)
Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting, item 2.A, Public comments (2/9/2016) - (handouts)
Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting, item 1.A (12/7/16) - (handouts, PowerPoint Presentation)
Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting, item 12.1 (12/13/16) - (handouts

2015 Supplemental Board Material

Material from public comment. (1/27/15) - (handouts)
Material from Item 7.B Oregon Lottery with Local Control Act. (1/27/15) - (handouts)
Material from item 7.D Potential Uses for Rural Housing Rehabilitation Program’s De-Federalized Funds. (1/27/15) - (handouts)
Material from item 7.E Adopting Legislative Priorities for the 78th Legislative Assembly – 2015 Regular Session. (1/27/15) - (handouts)
Material from item 12.A In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 15 to Adopt a Vehicle Registration Fee if Approved by Lane County Voters in May 2015. (1/27/15) - (handouts)
Material from Board of Health Meeting, item 2.A, Public Comments (5/5/2015) - (handouts)
Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting, item 2.A, Public Comments (5/5/2015) - (handouts)
Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting, item 2.A, Public Comments (5/19/15) - (handouts)
Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting, item 2.A, Public Comments (6/2/15) - (handouts)
Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting, item 3.A, Public Comments (6/16/15) - (handouts)
Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting, item 2.A, Public Comments (7/14/15) - (handouts)
Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting, item 8.B, Coast Fort Willamette Watershed Council (7/14/15) - (handouts)
Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting, item 9.B, BLM RMP Analysis Presentation (8/4/15) - (slide presentation)
Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting, item 2.A, Public Comments (8/18/15) - (handouts)
Material presented at Board of Health Joint Meeting, item 4.B, Update on House Bill 3100 (8/25/15) - (silde presentation)
Material presented at Board of Health Joint Meeting, item 4.C, Tobacco Code Amendments (8/25/15) - (slide presentation)
Material presented at Board of Commissioners Budget Worksession, item 1.A, Budget Work Session - (handouts)
Material presented at Board of Commissioners Meeting, Item 2.A, Public Comments (9/29/15) - (handouts)
Presentation at Board of Commissioners Meeting, Item 8.B, Formation of a Fernridge Public Safety District. (10/20/15) - (view presentation)
Presentation at Board of Commissioners Meeting, Item 8.C, Update on Willamette Confluence Project. (10/20/15) - (view presentation)
Presentation at Board of Commissioners Meeting, Item 1.A, Discussion of OSU Extension Service Funding and Possible Levy and Other Funding Mechanisms.(10/21/15) - (view presentation)
Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting, item 6.A, Discussion of Trillium and the Affordable Care Act.(11/3/2015) - (handout)
Material from Board of Commissioners Meeting, item 2.A, Public Comments (11/10/15) - (handouts)

2014 Supplemental Board Material

Notes from public comment (1/7/14) (Frank Walker)
Material from public comment (2/11/14) (NDAA material)
Material from public comment (2/25/14) - (handouts)
Material from public comment (4/15/14) (DOGAMI Testimony)
Material from work session on Glenwood Riverfront Area Hotel - (4/22/14) (Summary) (Funding Source)
(Potential Available Funds)
Material from public comment (4/29/14) - (handouts)
Material from public comment (5/6/14) - (handouts)
Material from public comment (5/13/14) - (handouts)
Material handed out during 5/20/14 meeting - (MOU intent to sign)
Material from public comment (7/8/14) - (handouts)

2013 Supplemental Board Material

Capacity Based Releases (graph)
Capacity Based Releases History
US Marshall Revenue FY 12/13
Mortgage Electronic Registration System (MERS)
Alternative Revenue Sources, 2005
Lane County Jail - With Levy & DGF Only
Lane County Jail - With no Levy
Proposed Amendments to Goshen Proposal (4/16/13)
Letter written to Register Guard by Lane County Resident Mora Dewy Fields (4/16/13)
Letter from Zack P. Mittage regarding Agenda Item 7.A from 6/11/13 Board Meeting. (6/11/13)
Material distributed to Commissioners regarding Siletz Legislation, House Bill HR 931. (7/9/13)
Material distributed to Commissioners regarding Siletz Legislation, House Bill HR 931. (7/23/13)
Material distributed to Commissioners regarding Prindel Creek Farms (7/23/13)
Material distributed regarding vacating property (7/23/13)
Material distributed regarding Visitor Services/Tourism Marketing (Item 6.B, 8/20/13)
Material distributed during Joint Work Session LCPC/BCC (Item 16.A, 8/20/13)
Material distributed during Emergency Business regarding APEL (10/1/13)
Report prepared by UO’s Community Service Center Based on Analytical Research Conducted over the Summer and Presented to the Board of Commissioners. Power Point Presentation (10/8/13)
Business Incentives and Economic Development in Lane County Final Report (10/8/13) 
Handouts from Board Work Session on Homelessness (12/4/13)
Handouts from Public Safety Work Session (12/11/13) (DRAFT Lane County Public Safety Staffing Report) (DRAFT Community Public Safety Repair Plan) (Letter from Lane County Sheriff's Office dated 10/22/13)

Bodenhamer Road Fire Evacuations Canceled -

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