Week of March 10, 2004


9:00 a.m.         (Harris Hall Main Floor)





(Maximum time 20 minutes:  Speakers will be limited to 3 minutes.  If the number wishing to testify exceeds 7 speakers, each speaker's time may be reduced to fit within 20 minutes.)








a.  ORDER 04-3-10-1/In the Matter of Proclaiming the Week of March 8, 2004 as Problem Gambling Awareness Week in Lane County. (Rob Rockstroh) (TIME CERTAIN 9:30 A.M.) (15 min.) View Material


b.  ORDER 04-3-10-2/In the Matter of Proclaiming the Month of March as National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month in Lane County. (Rob Rockstroh) (TIME CERTAIN 9:45 A.M.) (5 min.)


c.  ORDER 04-3-10-3/In the Matter of Proclaiming March 17, 2004 as Lane County Irish Heritage Day and Encourage Alcohol-Free Celebration of St. Patrick's Day. (Rob Rockstroh and Mike Meyer) (5 min.) View Material




a.  REPORT/Extension Service. (Louie R. "Bo" Freeman) (15 min.)




a.  Announcements


b.  ORDER 04-3-10-4/In the Matter of Authorizing the Metropolitan Policy Committee to Initiate Arbitration Procedures Jointly with the Cities of Eugene and Springfield to Settle Franchise Payment Disputes with Comcast Cable Communications, Inc., in Accordance with Ordinance 6-91. (Peter Thurston) (TIME CERTAIN 10:30 A.M.) (30 min.) View Material


c.  DISCUSSION/Florence Events Center Proposal. (Bill Van Vactor) (30 min.) View Material




a.  REPORT/Elections Transition to Optical Scan Tabulation. (TIME CERTAIN 11:30 A.M.) (Annette Newingham) (10 min.)


b.  DISCUSSION/East Lane Soil and Water Conservation District. (Annette Newingham) (10 min.) View Material




(All items listed here are considered to be routine by the Board of Commissioners and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below.  There will be no separate discussion of these items.  If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately.)




A.  Approval of Minutes:

May 14, 2003, Regular Meeting, 9:00 a.m.

August 27, 2003, Regular Meeting, Following HACSA

August 27, 2003, Regular Meeting, 1:30 p.m.

February 4, 2004, Regular Meeting, Following HACSA

February 10, 2004, Joint Elected Officials, 5:30 p.m.

February 11, 2004, Regular Meeting, 9:00 a.m.

February 18, 2004, Regular Meeting, 1:30 p.m.


B.  Health and Human Services


1)  ORDER 04-3-10-5/In the Matter of Granting Authority to Cascade Medical Transport, Coastal Transportation Services, Mountain Retreat Transport, Northwest Regional LLC, and Secure Transportation to Carry Out Provision ORS 426.233 for Secure Transport Services. View Material


2)  ORDER 04-3-10-6/In the Matter of Delegating Authority to the Administrator to Sign a Contract Amendment with Emerald People’s Utility District (EPUD) to Provide Funding for the REACH, ERAP, and AFP Programs in the Amount of $40,200.  View Material


3)  ORDER 04-3-10-7/In the Matter of Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign a Contract with Eugene School District 4J in the Amount of $52,619. View Material


4)  ORDER 04-3-10-8/In the Matter of Appointing Two New Members, Tamara Adkins and Colleen Bauman, to the Lane County Health Advisory Committee. View Material


5)  ORDER 04-3-10-9/In the Matter of Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign a Contract with Oregon Community Health Information Network, Inc. in the Amount of $110,000. View Material


C.  Management Services


1)  ORDER 04-3-10-10/In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of Surplus County Owned Real Property to Alfred M. and Kolette K. Longworth, Former Owners of Record (Map #19-01-11-33-06710, 41 East Sixth Street, Lowell). View Material


D.  Public Works


1)  ORDER 04-3-10-11/In the Matter of Rejecting the Decision of the Director of Public Works Denying a Driveway Access to Property at 92256 Marcola Road Identified as Tax Lot 16-01-18-40 1900 and Directing Staff to Allow Access Subject to the Issuance of a Facility Permit. View Material


2)  ORDER 04-3-10-12/In the Matter of Accepting a Deed of Land to be Used as a Public Road Easement for Wallace Creek Road (County Road No. 421) (18-02-14). View Material


3)  ORDER 04-3-10-13/In the Matter of Accepting a Deed of Land to be Used as a Public Road Easement for Briggs Hill Road (County Road No. 950) (18-05-25). View Material


4)  ORDER 04-3-10-14/In the Matter of Releasing, Dedicating and Accepting Parcels “A” & “B”, in the Ninth Addition to Bell Estates, Book 65, Page 30, a Parcel of County Owned Real Estate, as a County Road (17-04-03) (Hyacinth Street and Carthage Avenue). View Material


5)  ORDER 04-3-10-15/In the Matter of Accepting a Deed of Land to be Used as a Public Road Easement for Jasper-Lowell Road (County Road No. 480) (18-01-33). View Material


6)  ORDER 04-3-10-16/In the Matter of Denying the Petition to Vacate a Portion of W.W. Jackson Road (County Road Number 723) Located in Sections 35 and 36, Township 18 South, Range 4 West, and Section 2, Township 19 South, Range 4 West of the Willamette Meridian (18-04-35 & 36 and 19-04-02). View Material


7)  ORDER 04-3-10-17/In the Matter of Accepting a Deed of Land to be Used as a Public Road Easement for Missy Lane (aka C.H. Baker Road, County Road No. 547) (17-02-24 & 25). View Material


8)  ORDER 04-3-10-18/In the Matter of Vacating a Portion of Missy Lane (aka C.H. Baker Road, Co. Rd. #547), Located in Sections 24 and 25, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon, Without a Public Hearing, and Adopting Findings of Fact (17-02-24 & 25). View Material


9)  ORDER 04-3-10-19/In the Matter of Vacating a Portion of Stephens Road, a Public Road, Located in the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of Section 30, Township 17 South, Range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon, Without a Public Hearing, and Adopting Findings of Fact (17-01-30). View Material


10)  RESOLUTION, NOTICE OF HEARING AND ORDER 04-3-10-20/In the Matter of Setting a Public Hearing for the Vacation of a Portion of Willow Street, in the Plat of Gallagher’s Part of the City of Florence, as Platted and Recorded in Volume 30, Pages 12 and 13 of the Lane County, Oregon Deed Records (18-12-26) (Public Hearing: April 14, 2004, 1:30 pm). View Material






a. ORDER 04-3-10-21/In the Matter of Formation of the Lane Library District. (Teresa Wilson) (10 min.) View Material




a.  ORDER 04-3-10-22/In the Matter of Awarding a Contract for Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) Services for the Elections Division Building. (David Suchart) (5 min.) View Material


b.  ORDER 04-3-10-23/In the Matter of Ratifying the Tentative Agreement Between Lane County and the AFSCME Nurses, Local 2831. (Frank Forbes) (5 min.) View Material


c.  ORDER 04-3-10-24/In the Matter of Ratifying the Tentative Agreement Between Lane County and the Lane County Police Officers' Association. (Frank Forbes) (5 min.) View Material






14.  EXECUTIVE SESSION as per ORS 192.660

(Commissioners' Conference Room)




1:30 p.m.      (Harris Hall Main Floor)




a.  SECOND READING AND PUBLIC HEARING/Ordinance No. 1-04/In the Matter of Amending Chapter 5 of Lane Code to Adopt Definitions and Regulations Pertaining to Illicit Discharges into the County Stormwater System for Application to the Urbanizable Lands Within the Eugene and Springfield Urban Growth Boundaries (LC 5.710 and LC 5.747). (NBA & PM 2/25/04). (Sonny Chickering)


b.  SECOND READING AND PUBLIC HEARING/Ordinance No. 2-04/In the Matter of Amending Chapter 9 of Lane Code to Adopt Eugene Regulations Pertaining to Erosion Prevention for Application to the Urbanizable Lands Within the Eugene Urban Growth Boundary; and Adopting a Severability Clause (LC 9.945). (NBA & PM 2/25/04). (Sonny Chickering)




a.  RESOLUTION AND ORDER 04-3-10-25/In the Matter of Accepting a Sport Fish Restoration Grant from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife for Boating Improvements at Perkins Peninsula Park, Appropriating $144,633.00 in Fund 216, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Cooperative Agreement. (Jake Risley) (15 min.) View Material


b.  ORDER 04-3-10-26/In the Matter of Certification of Final Assessments for Improvements to River Road (County Road Number 200) Between Mile Post 7.747 and Mile Post 7.366 and Setting Lien Values Against Properties. (NBA & PM 1/7/04). (Frank Simas) (10 min.) View Material


c.  DISCUSSION/Countywide Priority Setting for the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) 2006-2009 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). (Tom Stinchfield) (30 min.) View Material View Supplemental Material


d.  DISCUSSION AND ORDER 04-3-10-27/In the Matter of Approving a Letter of Support for Preservation Funds for the Florence-Eugene Highway (126W) from Florence to Mapleton. (Tom Stinchfield) (10 min.) View Material




a.  ORDER 04-3-10-28/In the Matter of Establishing a 1.0 FTE Corrections Services Technician. (Rob Rockstroh) (5 min.) View Material




a.  REPORT/Council of Forest Trust Land Counties. (Anna Morrison) (10 min.) View Material


b.  REPORT/Mathews House. (Commissioners Dwyer and Hampton) (10 min.)








*NOTE:  Estimated Times


*NOTE:  Next scheduled Board of Commissioners' Meeting Tuesday, March 16 and/or Wednesday, March 17, 2004.

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