ALL IN Lane County announces positive year-end results

ALL IN Lane County announces positive year-end results
Posted on 01/11/2024

Following Governor Tina Kotek’s address marking the conclusion of the first phase of Oregon’s Emergency Homeless Response effort, ALL IN Lane County announced the year-end results for the multi-agency coordination initiative. ALL IN Lane County sought to prevent 741 households from becoming homeless, move 247 households from a state of being unsheltered into permanent housing, and create or improve 230 emergency shelter beds. Out of the three categories, 107 percent (or 795 of 741 households) of the prevention goal was met, 81 percent (or 200 of 247 households) of the rehousing goal was met, and 128 percent (or 294 of 230 beds) of the shelter goal was met.

“The results are impressive and were fueled by the willingness of our very capable local Lane County providers to work intentionally on reducing barriers to housing and housing stability,” said Multi Agency Coordination (MAC) group lead and Lane County Human Services Manager Kate Budd. “It took ingenuity and creativity to achieve the results they did in less than six months.”

The Lane County MAC group has provided interagency management, planning, coordination, and operational leadership to provide strategic coordination, as well as identified resources and managed goals for the region’s ALL IN work. The group is led by Lane County with broad representation from community-based organizations, collaborative care organizations and local government.

“The Lane County ALL IN effort has also allowed for the funded providers to pilot new approaches to assisting households with their housing goals. This includes a newLandlord Risk Mitigation Fund, and block leasing permanent housing,” added Budd. “With continued partnership and commitment, our community can continue to make progress toward reducing the number of individuals experiencing homelessness.”

The rehousing goal came in under 100 percent, with 198 of the 241 households formally transitioning from the streets to permanent housing. It is important to note, 467 total households were enrolled in rehousing and the over 200 households remaining will continue to receive program supports. Identifying safe, decent, affordable housing remains one of the greatest regional challenges. If you are a landlord who would like to discuss offering a rental unit(s), reach out to the Lane County landlord liaison ([email protected]).

The ALL IN Lane County effort was made possible by Governor Tina Kotek’s declaration of an emergency due to homelessness and subsequent funding from the Oregon State Legislature to six Continuum of Care regions, Lane County being its own region. The declaration took effect on January 10, 2023, and expired January 10, 2024.

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