2014-2017 Strategic Plan

2014-2017 Strategic Plan: 
Strategic Planning

On November 4, 2014, the Board of County Commissioner's adopted the 2014-2017 Strategic Plan that laid out a vision for the future focusing on "Priorities" Those Priorities were:

         Safe, Healthy County
         Vibrant Communities

Under each of these priorities were several objectives and under those objectives were action items outlining how we would work towards achieving these priorities. The Board of Commissioners held annual work sessions in December of each year as well as quarterly updates throughout the duration of this plan. Several goals and action items have been accomplished (see below for an up to date list of accomplishments).

Vision: Lane County is recognized as the best county to live, work, and play.

Mission: We responsibly manage limited resources to deliver vital, customer-focused services with passion, innovation, and integrity.

Motto: Lane County Proud

Priority 1: Safe, Healthy County

1.1 Ensure safety throughout our county
1.2 Improve the health of our communities

Priority 2: Vibrant Communities

2.1 Invest in a strong, diverse, and sustainable regional economy
2.2 Support and protect a vibrant natural environment
2.3 Ensure equity and Access

Priority 3: Infrastructure

3.1 Maintain safe infrastructure 
3.2 Support and enhance Lane County's internal administrative infrastructure

Lane County Core Values

Open and Accountable
Public Engagement
Pursuit of Excellence