Emergency Shelters for People who are Unhoused in Lane County

Within Lane County there are a number of emergency shelter and alternative shelter programs available to provide shelter to individuals and families in need to a place to stay. The timelines for availability in shelter and alternative shelter programs varies considerably, so individuals should always contact a program directly to find out about availability, program requirements, and the entry process.

Printable Shelter Information and Links 


Adult only Households

Dawn to Dawn

Agency: St. Vincent de Paul

Office: 450 Hwy 99 N, Eugene, OR 97402

Shelter Site: 717 Highway 99 N Eugene, OR 97402

Information: Dawn to Dawn Program, run by St. Vincent de Paul, is a low barrier shelter for adults in multi-person heated, military-style tents. Entry is coordinated through the Eugene Service Station at 450 Hwy 99 N, Eugene. This program does not accept pets.

Registration: Available beds can be reserved beginning at 2 pm daily at the Eugene Service Station. If beds are full, individuals can be added to a waitlist but must continue showing up daily at 2 pm to maintain spot on list.

Overnight and Safe Parking Programs

Agency: St. Vincent de Paul

Office: 450 Highway 99 Eugene, OR 97402

Shelter Site: Scattered sites

Information: Overnight and Safe Parking Programs, operated by St. Vincent de Paul, provide safe, legal places to park a vehicle

Registration: Any service provider or individual can complete the online form to be added to the waitlist. For additional questions or help applying, walk-in to the Eugene Service Station (450 Hwy 99 N, Eugene) during business hours.

Safe Spots (aka Rest Stops)

Agency: Community Supported Shelters

Office: 1160 Grant Street, Eugene, OR 97402

Shelter Site: Scattered sites

Phone Number: 541-683-0836

Information: Safe Spots, (aka Rest Stops), provide shelter in Conestoga Huts.

Registration: In-person, office hours Tuesday through Friday 1pm-4pm

Opportunity Village

Agency: SquareOne Villages

Office: 2243 Roosevelt Blvd, Eugene, OR 97402

Shelter Site: 111 N Garfield St, Eugene, OR 97402

Phone Number: 541-525-0501

Information: Opportunity Village is a transitional shelter site of Conestoga Huts.

Registration: Fill out SquareOne Villages application and return to office (2243 Roosevelt Blvd, Eugene – can be accessed via Bethel Drive). 

Nightingale Hosted Shelters

Agency: Nightingale Hosted Shelters

Office: 34th & Hilyard Alley, Eugene, OR 97405

Shelter Site: 34th & Hilyard Alley, Eugene, OR 97405

Phone Number: 541-630-6303

Information: Nightingale Hosted Shelters supports a Rest Stop with Conestoga huts.

Registration: Nightingale application can be found online, or in person at the Rest Stop at 34th and Hilyard Alley. Call 541-630-6303 to make sure camp manager is available before going in person.

uslaw Outreach Services Motel Vouchers

Agency: Siuslaw Outreach Services

Office: 1576 West 12th Street, Florence, OR 97439

Shelter Site: N/A

Phone Number: 541-997-2816

Information: Motel vouchers are available through Siuslaw Outreach Services for individuals in the greater Florence area. Vouchers are available for those fleeing IPV/DV situations, if the overnight temperature drops below 32, or for other extenuating circumstances.

Registration: Call 541-997-2816 or visit in person at 1576 West 12th St, Florence Monday through Thursday, 10am-3:30 pm. Fridays by appointment only.

Eugene Mission Rescue Shelter
Agency: Eugene Mission

Office: 1542 W 1st Ave, Eugene, OR 97402

Shelter Site: 1542 W 1st Ave, Eugene, OR 97402

Phone Number: 541-344-3251

Information: The Eugene Mission Rescue Shelter provides a low-barrier Rescue Shelter that guests can stay in for a maximum of 14 consecutive days. Service animals are allowed, and guests are required to stay on campus for the entire 14 days, except for approved off-site appointments. Weekly store trips are scheduled that guests may sign up for.

Registration: To sign up for a bed, walk-in to the Eugene Mission (1542 W 1st Ave, Eugene), 7 days/week 9:00 am-4:00 pm.

310 Garfield Safe Sleep Site

Agency: St. Vincent de Paul

Office: 310 Garfield St, Eugene, OR 97402

Shelter Site: 310 Garfield St, Eugene, OR 97402

Phone Number: 541-357-1220

Information: Operated by St. Vincent de Paul, 310 Garfield is a Safe Sleep Site for adults who are living in a vehicle. They have spots for RVs/campers/trailers and limited car camping spots.

Registration: Any service provider or individual can complete the 310 online form to be added to the waitlist. For additional questions or help applying, walk-in to the Service Station (450 Hwy 99 N, Eugene) during business hours.

410 Garfield Safe Sleep Site

Agency: St. Vincent de Paul

Office: 410 Garfield St, Eugene, OR 97402

Shelter Site: 410 Garfield St, Eugene, OR 97402

Phone Number: 541-359-9860

Information: Operated by St. Vincent de Paul, the 410 Garfield Safe Sleep Site consists of 86 total indoor camp spaces, each provided with a canopy style tent, sleeping pad and bag, and individual storage containers.

Registration: Any service provider or individual can complete the 410 online form to be added to the waitlist. For additional questions or help applying, walk-in to the Service Station (450 Hwy 99 N, Eugene) during business hours.

Everyone Village

Agency: Everyone Church

Office: 3825 Janisse St, Eugene, OR 97405

Shelter Site: 3825 Janisse St, Eugene, OR 97405

Phone Number: 541-505-7597

Information: Everyone Village is a community of Pallet Shelters & tiny homes.

Registration: Referrals from community partner agencies only. To refer a participant, call 541-505-7597.

Village Fields Pallet Shelter

Agency: Mainstream Housing Incorporated

Office: 895 Country Club Road Suite 200A, Eugene, OR 97401

Shelter Site: 251 S 41st Place, Springfield, OR 97478

Phone Number: 541-484-4868

Information: Mainstream Housing has Pallet Shelters for adult individuals and couples who experience an intellectual or developmental disability.  

Registration: Fill out Village Fields online form

Households with Children under 18

Village Fields Family Pallet Shelter

Agency: Mainstream Housing Incorporated

Office: 895 Country Club Road Suite 200A, Eugene, OR 97401

Shelter Site: 251 S 41st Place, Springfield, OR 97478

Phone Number: 541-484-4868

Information: Mainstream Housing has Pallet Shelters for families who experience an intellectual or developmental disability. 

Registration: Fill out Village Fields Family online form 

Night Shelter Annex

Agency: St. Vincent de Paul – First Place Family Center

Office: 4060 W Amazon Drive, Eugene, OR 97405

Shelter Site: 4060 W Amazon Drive, Eugene, OR 97405

Phone Number: 541-342-7728

Information: First Place Family Center Night Shelter Annex providers shelter for households with children 0-18 (must have custody of children at least 50% of the time).

Registration: To sign up for shelter, First Place Family Center (4060 W Amazon Drive, Eugene) is open for
walk-ins 7 days/week 9:00 am-5:00 pm.


Agency: Catholic Community Services

Office: 1175 G Street, Springfield, OR 97477

Phone Number: 541-345-3628

Information: Oasis has Conestoga Huts and Tiny Homes available onsite for safe shelter for households with children in Springfield.

Registration: Intakes for the OASIS program can be scheduled by calling 541-345-3628, option 5.

Eugene Mission Center for Women and Children
Agency: Eugene Mission

Office: 1542 W 1st Ave, Eugene, OR 97402

Shelter Site: 1542 W 1st Ave, Eugene, OR 97402

Phone Number: 541-344-3251

Information: Center for Women and Children at the Eugene Mission is open to new families (mothers with children under 18) with COVID safety precautions in place.

Registration: For more information and to determine availability call 541-344-3251


Station #7

Agency: Looking Glass

Office: 931 W 7th Ave, Eugene, OR 97402

Shelter Site: 931 W 7th Ave, Eugene, OR 97402

Phone Number: 541-689-3111 or 1-888-689-3111

Information: Station #7 (Looking Glass) provides an emergency shelter for runaway and homeless youth ages 11-20.

Registration: Call 541-689-3111 or 1-888-689-3111 or go in person to 931 W 7th Avenue, Eugene.

PEER Shelter

Agency: Looking Glass

Office: 2517 Martin Luther King Blvd, Eugene, OR 97401

Shelter Site: 2517 Martin Luther King Blvd, Eugene, OR 97401

Phone Number: 541-342-4293

Information: Looking Glass PEER Shelter offers a low-barrier emergency shelter for youth ages 16-24

Registration: Call 541-342-4293 to check bed availability.

Emergency Cold Weather Shelter

Eugene/Springfield Adults 

Egan Warming Centers

Agency: St. Vincent de Paul

Office: 2890 Chad Drive, Eugene, OR 97408

Shelter Site: Scattered sites

Phone Number: 541-607-0439

Information: Egan Warming Centers provide meals and a safe place to sleep when temperatures are expected to drop below 30 degrees.

Registration: Show up in person. LTD offers free bus rides to Egan Warming Center sites when they are activated. Check online or call to see if sites are activated for that night. Sign up for text alerts by texting “Join” to 541-730-3071.

Eugene Mission Rescue Shelter

Agency: Eugene Mission

Office: 1542 W 1st Ave, Eugene, OR 97402

Shelter Site: 1542 W 1st Ave, Eugene, OR 97402

Phone Number: 541-344-3251

Information: Additional space available during Inclement Weather Protocol. Activates at 30 and below.

Registration: Ideal entry time between 4 and 5 pm, but people will not be turned away if there is space that night.

Eugene/Springfield Youth

Egan Warming Centers

Agency: St. Vincent de Paul

Office: 2890 Chad Drive, Eugene, OR 97408

Shelter Site: Scattered sites

Phone Number: 541-607-0439

Information: Egan Warming Centers provide meals and a safe place to sleep when temperatures are expected to drop below 30 degrees.

Registration: Show up in person. LTD offers free bus rides to Egan Warming Center sites when they are activated. Check online or call to see if sites are activated for that night. Sign up for text alerts by texting “Join” to 541-730-3071.

Eugene/Springfield Families

Cold Weather Motel Shelter Program

Agency: Catholic Community Services

Office: Eugene: 1464 W 6th Ave, Eugene, OR 97402

Springfield: 1025 G Street, Springfield, OR 97477

Shelter Site: N/A

Phone Number: 541-345-3628 ext. 1356

Information: Catholic Community Services provides motel vouchers for families with children under 18 on nights that Egan Warming Centers activate, or when the forecast is below 30 degrees.

Registration: A referral from either a school or local social service agency working with the family is required for this program.

Rural Lane County

Veneta Emergency Shelter

Agency: Fernridge Faith Center

Office: 25133 East Broadway Ave, Veneta, OR 97487

Shelter Site: 25133 East Broadway Ave, Veneta, OR 97487

Phone Number: 541-556-3336

Information: Opens when temperature is expected to be 28 or below.  

Registration: Check online to see if emergency shelter is activated for the night.

Florence Warming Center

Agency: Florence Emergency Cold Weather Shelter

Office: 3996 Hwy 101 Florence, OR 97439

Shelter Site: Scattered Sites

Phone Number: 541-305-5548

Information: Opens when temperatures are 32 degrees and below, or 38 degrees and below with precipitation.

Registration: Information on activation can be found on Facebook. Shuttle available- pick up at Siuslaw Library, Fred Meyer, Linda’s Laundry Mat (look for the white flags).

Siuslaw Outreach Services Motel Vouchers

Agency: Siuslaw Outreach Services

Office: 1576 West 12th Street, Florence, OR 97439

Shelter Site: N/A

Phone Number: 541-997-2816

Information: Motel vouchers are available through Siuslaw Outreach Services for individuals in the greater Florence area. Vouchers are available if the overnight temperature drops below 32.

Registration: Call 541-997-2816 or visit in person at 1576 West 12th St, Florence Monday through Thursday, 10am-3:30 pm. Fridays by appointment only.

Oakridge Warming Center

Agency: Greenwaters Park Community Center

Office: 48362 OR-58, Oakridge, OR 97463

Shelter Site: 48362 OR-58, Oakridge, OR 97463

Phone Number: 541-782-2645

Information: Cold weather overnight shelter activates at 32 degrees and below. Signs posted in community.

Registration: Show up to site when activated

Fleeing Domestic Violence

Hope and Safety Alliance

Agency: Hope and Safety Alliance

Office: 1577 Pearl St, Eugene, OR 97401

Shelter Site: N/A

Phone Number: 541-485-8232

Information: Hope and Safety Alliance can help with safety planning and access to safehousing and shelter.

Registration: Call their 24-hour crisis and support line at 541-485-6413 or 800-281-2800, or you can chat online. Spanish speakers available.

Siuslaw Outreach Services

Office: 1576 West 12th Street, Florence, OR 97439

Shelter Site: N/A

Phone Number: 541-997-2816

Information: Motel vouchers are available through Siuslaw Outreach Services for individuals in the greater Florence area.

Registration: Call 541-997-2816 or visit in person at 1576 West 12th St, Florence Monday through Thursday, 10am-3:30 pm. Fridays by appointment only.

River Avenue Navigation Center Information

River Avenue Navigation Center

Agency: Equitable Support Solutions

Office: 100 River Ave, Eugene, OR 97404

Shelter Site: 100 River Ave, Eugene, OR 97404

Phone Number: 541-897-9771

Information: The Navigation Center shelter model is a best practice approach utilized in several cities throughout the country and is part of an overall effort to make homelessness rare, brief, and non-recurring in Eugene and Lane County. The shelter supports and facility are specifically designed to serve people for whom traditional shelters have not been a good fit and to support their exit from homelessness into housing. Specifically, the center is a temporary, low-barrier emergency shelter for 75 adults, age 18 and older, that offers a safe place for people to stay coupled with intentional connections to housing and services in order to regain stability.

Registration: Apply via River Avenue Navigation Center online form (only active when beds are available)  

Shankle Brooklyn Street Shelter

Shankle Brooklyn Street Shelter

Agency: Equitable Support Solutions

Office: 1545 Brooklyn St, Eugene, OR 97403

Shelter Site: 1545 Brooklyn St, Eugene, OR 97403

Phone Number: 541-606-4093

Information: This shelter has capacity for 12 adult individuals, with priority for those over 65 and those with certain medical conditions. Emergency shelter, basic needs services, and case management will be offered. Priority is given to individuals who are medically fragile.

Registration: Apply via Shankle Brooklyn online form (only active when beds are available)