Blue River Complete Community Plan Project

Project Purpose and Transportation Relationships and Benefits

The purpose of TGM Code Assistance Blue River Complete Community Plan is to create a community plan and amend the Lane County Rural Comprehensive Plan and the Lane County Zoning Ordinance to implement the community plan and Oregon Administrative Rules for the Blue River rural community. The amendments will promote compact, small-town development patterns with an active and convenient pedestrian environment along a mixed-use Blue River Drive, higher density development near Lane Transit District bus stops and the McKenzie River Community School, and mixed-use employment lands located within the community boundary. The project will help people meet their daily needs by the mode of their choice, with a particular emphasis on walking, biking, and transit.

Current Status:
On August 6th and August 20th, the Lane County Planning Commission held public hearings for the proposed Blue River Complete Community Plan and proposed zoning amendments. 

On August 20th, the Planning Commission approved a motion in support of the plan with direction to make multiple amendments. Here is the motion that was recorded:

1st Motion Language: Move to forward a recommendation of the Blue River Complete Community Plan and code to the Board of County Commissioners with the following adjustments:

  • Eliminate cross-references to building code and remove occupancy standards
  • Add in a pathway for a proposal that cannot meet the compatibility standards for a CUP option
  • More carefully define light industrial
  • More consistently use term ‘screening’ and define it
  • Remove language surrounding similar uses to exception for the Blue River Drive overlay

 Amendments to the Motion: Friendly Amendment by Commissioner Dignam to also include:

  • Allow for more use flexibility, by allowing increased building size (up to 40kSF) with Type II: Instruct staff to review recommended changes from TBG and evaluate how to address it.
  • More equitably define signage rules

Staff are working on these amendments and the remainder of the adoption package to present to the Board of Commissioners. The project is TENTATIVELY scheduled to go before the Board of Commissioners for a First Reading (no public comment) on October 15, 2024 and a Seconding Reading/Public Hearing on October 29, 2024. The Board typically holds public hearings at 1:30pm, but allows for testimony both in-person and via zoom. Staff will post an update on this website and send out an email to those signed up below, when the revised documents are posted online for review as well as send a formal notice of public hearing to verify date/time/location.

*Please only sign up for the mailing list once. Thank you.

Key Project Documents:
Lane County Staff Contacts: 
Lindsey Eichner Taylor Carsley
Assistant Planning Director  Senior Planner
541-682-3998 541-682-6765
[email protected]  [email protected]

Lane County Planning
3050 N Delta Hwy
Eugene, OR 97408

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